A general function with compact support.
Symmetry function base class for SFs with compact support.
std::string getSubtype() const
Get private subtype member variable.
double rl
Lower bound of compact function, .
virtual std::vector< std::string > parameterInfo() const
Get description with parameter names and values.
double getRl() const
Get private rl member variable.
CompactFunction cr
Compact function for radial part.
bool asymmetric
If asymmetric version of polynomials should be used.
std::string subtype
Subtype string (specifies e.g. polynom type).
void setCompactFunction(std::string subtype)
Set radial compact function.
SymFncBaseComp(std::size_t type, ElementMap const &)
Constructor, initializes type.
Symmetry function base class.
std::size_t type
Symmetry function type.