List of available cutoff function types.
Intermediate class for SFs based on cutoff functions.
std::string getSubtype() const
Get private subtype member variable.
double getCutoffAlpha() const
Get private cutoffAlpha member variable.
std::string subtype
Subtype string (specifies cutoff type).
CutoffFunction fc
Cutoff function used by this symmetry function.
SymFncBaseCutoff(std::size_t type, ElementMap const &)
Constructor, initializes type.
CutoffFunction::CutoffType getCutoffType() const
Get private cutoffType member variable.
CutoffFunction::CutoffType cutoffType
Cutoff type used by this symmetry function.
virtual std::vector< std::string > parameterInfo() const
Get description with parameter names and values.
double cutoffAlpha
Cutoff parameter .
void setCutoffFunction(CutoffFunction::CutoffType cutoffType, double cutoffAlpha)
Set cutoff function type and parameter.
Symmetry function base class.
std::size_t type
Symmetry function type.