The libnnp core library


Documentation under construction…

The libnnp library provides all the basic ingredients for HDNNP generation or application. For instance, it contains classes for symmetry functions, a neural network class and data storage classes. Furthermore, a top-level class (nnp::Mode) combines all these building blocks to form a working HDNNP setup. Most of the provided tools and the LAMMPS interface make use of this Mode class and its setup methods. Consequently, the screen and log output will often look similar. This page will walk you through the library output as produced by the nnp-predict example for RPBE-D3 water (see examples/nnp-predict/H2O_RPBE-D3 directory).

The initial output section (corresponding to nnp::Mode::initialize()) is simply stating the current version, git branch and commit ID (if available). If the library was compiled with OpenMP support, the number of used threads is also provided (see Parallelization).


   NNP LIBRARY v2.0.0

Git branch  : master
Git revision: 7b42366 (7b423664b02ff4e4979301b4a136ac3221f46be2)

Number of OpenMP threads: 2

The next section (nnp::Mode::loadSettingsFile()) names which settings file is used and how many keywords (see Keywords) were found. If problems (unknown or multiply defined keywords) occur, warnings will be issued in this section.

*** SETUP: SETTINGS FILE ******************************************************

Settings file name: input.nn
Read 167 lines.
Found 102 lines with keywords.

If data set normalization is used (see the corresponding tool nnp-norm and here) this section lists the required quantities to convert to normalized (internal) units.

*** SETUP: NORMALIZATION ******************************************************

Data set normalization is used.
Mean energy per atom     :  -2.5521343547039809E+01
Conversion factor energy :   2.4265748255366972E+02
Conversion factor length :   5.8038448995319847E+00
*** SETUP: ELEMENT MAP ********************************************************

Number of element strings found: 2
Element  0:  H (  1)
Element  1:  O (  8)
*** SETUP: ELEMENTS ***********************************************************

Number of elements is consistent: 2
Atomic energy offsets per element:
Element  0:   0.00000000E+00
Element  1:   0.00000000E+00
Energy offsets are automatically subtracted from reference energies.
*** SETUP: CUTOFF FUNCTIONS ***************************************************

Parameter alpha for inner cutoff: 0.000000
Inner cutoff = Symmetry function cutoff * alpha
Equal cutoff function type for all symmetry functions:
CutoffFunction::CT_TANHU (2)
f(r) = tanh^3(1 - r/rc)
*** SETUP: SYMMETRY FUNCTIONS *************************************************

ind .... Symmetry function index.
ec ..... Central atom element.
ty ..... Symmetry function type.
e1 ..... Neighbor 1 element.
e2 ..... Neighbor 2 element.
eta .... Gaussian width eta.
rs ..... Shift distance of Gaussian.
la ..... Angle prefactor lambda.
zeta ... Angle term exponent zeta.
rc ..... Cutoff radius.
ct ..... Cutoff type.
ca ..... Cutoff alpha.
ln ..... Line number in settings file.

Short range atomic symmetry functions element  H :
 ind ec ty e1 e2       eta        rs la zeta        rc ct   ca    ln
   1  H  2  H    1.000E-03 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00    98
   2  H  2  O    1.000E-03 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   108
   3  H  2  H    1.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00    99
   4  H  2  O    1.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   109
   5  H  2  H    3.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   100
   6  H  2  O    3.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   110
   7  H  2  H    6.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   101
   8  H  2  O    6.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   111
   9  H  2  O    1.500E-01 9.000E-01         1.200E+01  2 0.00   112
  10  H  2  H    1.500E-01 1.900E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   102
  11  H  2  O    3.000E-01 9.000E-01         1.200E+01  2 0.00   113
  12  H  2  H    3.000E-01 1.900E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   103
  13  H  2  O    6.000E-01 9.000E-01         1.200E+01  2 0.00   114
  14  H  2  H    6.000E-01 1.900E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   104
  15  H  2  O    1.500E+00 9.000E-01         1.200E+01  2 0.00   115
  16  H  2  H    1.500E+00 1.900E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   105
  17  H  3  O  O 1.000E-03 0.000E+00 -1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   162
  18  H  3  O  O 1.000E-03 0.000E+00  1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   161
  19  H  3  H  O 1.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   152
  20  H  3  H  O 1.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   150
  21  H  3  H  O 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   147
  22  H  3  O  O 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   160
  23  H  3  H  O 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   145
  24  H  3  O  O 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   159
  25  H  3  H  O 7.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   142
  26  H  3  H  O 7.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   140
  27  H  3  H  O 2.000E-01 0.000E+00  1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   137
Short range atomic symmetry functions element  O :
 ind ec ty e1 e2       eta        rs la zeta        rc ct   ca    ln
   1  O  2  H    1.000E-03 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   117
   2  O  2  O    1.000E-03 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   127
   3  O  2  H    1.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   118
   4  O  2  O    1.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   128
   5  O  2  H    3.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   119
   6  O  2  O    3.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   129
   7  O  2  H    6.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   120
   8  O  2  O    6.000E-02 0.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   130
   9  O  2  H    1.500E-01 9.000E-01         1.200E+01  2 0.00   121
  10  O  2  O    1.500E-01 4.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   131
  11  O  2  H    3.000E-01 9.000E-01         1.200E+01  2 0.00   122
  12  O  2  O    3.000E-01 4.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   132
  13  O  2  H    6.000E-01 9.000E-01         1.200E+01  2 0.00   123
  14  O  2  O    6.000E-01 4.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   133
  15  O  2  H    1.500E+00 9.000E-01         1.200E+01  2 0.00   124
  16  O  2  O    1.500E+00 4.000E+00         1.200E+01  2 0.00   134
  17  O  3  H  O 1.000E-03 0.000E+00 -1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   157
  18  O  3  O  O 1.000E-03 0.000E+00 -1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   167
  19  O  3  H  O 1.000E-03 0.000E+00  1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   156
  20  O  3  O  O 1.000E-03 0.000E+00  1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   166
  21  O  3  H  H 1.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   151
  22  O  3  H  H 1.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  4.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   149
  23  O  3  H  H 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   146
  24  O  3  H  O 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   155
  25  O  3  O  O 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   165
  26  O  3  H  H 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   144
  27  O  3  H  O 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   154
  28  O  3  O  O 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   164
  29  O  3  H  H 7.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   141
  30  O  3  H  H 7.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0 1.200E+01  2 0.00   139
Minimum cutoff radius for element  H: 12.000000
Minimum cutoff radius for element  O: 12.000000
Maximum cutoff radius (global)      : 12.000000
*** SETUP: SYMMETRY FUNCTION GROUPS *******************************************

ind .... Symmetry function group index.
ec ..... Central atom element.
ty ..... Symmetry function type.
e1 ..... Neighbor 1 element.
e2 ..... Neighbor 2 element.
eta .... Gaussian width eta.
rs ..... Shift distance of Gaussian.
la ..... Angle prefactor lambda.
zeta ... Angle term exponent zeta.
rc ..... Cutoff radius.
ct ..... Cutoff type.
ca ..... Cutoff alpha.
ln ..... Line number in settings file.
mi ..... Member index.
sfi .... Symmetry function index.
e ...... Recalculate exponential term.

Short range atomic symmetry function groups element  H :
 ind ec ty e1 e2       eta        rs la zeta        rc ct   ca    ln   mi  sfi e
   1  H  2  H            *         *         1.200E+01  2 0.00     *    *    *
   -  -  -  -    1.000E-03 0.000E+00                 -  -    -    97    1    1
   -  -  -  -    1.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -    98    2    3
   -  -  -  -    3.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -    99    3    5
   -  -  -  -    6.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   100    4    7
   -  -  -  -    1.500E-01 1.900E+00                 -  -    -   101    5   10
   -  -  -  -    3.000E-01 1.900E+00                 -  -    -   102    6   12
   -  -  -  -    6.000E-01 1.900E+00                 -  -    -   103    7   14
   -  -  -  -    1.500E+00 1.900E+00                 -  -    -   104    8   16
   2  H  2  O            *         *         1.200E+01  2 0.00     *    *    *
   -  -  -  -    1.000E-03 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   107    1    2
   -  -  -  -    1.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   108    2    4
   -  -  -  -    3.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   109    3    6
   -  -  -  -    6.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   110    4    8
   -  -  -  -    1.500E-01 9.000E-01                 -  -    -   111    5    9
   -  -  -  -    3.000E-01 9.000E-01                 -  -    -   112    6   11
   -  -  -  -    6.000E-01 9.000E-01                 -  -    -   113    7   13
   -  -  -  -    1.500E+00 9.000E-01                 -  -    -   114    8   15
   3  H  3  H  O         *         *  *    * 1.200E+01  2 0.00     *    *    * *
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  4.0         -  -    -   151    1   19 1
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  4.0         -  -    -   149    2   20 0
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0         -  -    -   146    3   21 1
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0         -  -    -   144    4   23 0
   -  -  -  -  - 7.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0         -  -    -   141    5   25 1
   -  -  -  -  - 7.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0         -  -    -   139    6   26 0
   -  -  -  -  - 2.000E-01 0.000E+00  1  1.0         -  -    -   136    7   27 1
   4  H  3  O  O         *         *  *    * 1.200E+01  2 0.00     *    *    * *
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-03 0.000E+00 -1  4.0         -  -    -   161    1   17 1
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-03 0.000E+00  1  4.0         -  -    -   160    2   18 0
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0         -  -    -   159    3   22 1
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0         -  -    -   158    4   24 0
Short range atomic symmetry function groups element  O :
 ind ec ty e1 e2       eta        rs la zeta        rc ct   ca    ln   mi  sfi e
   1  O  2  H            *         *         1.200E+01  2 0.00     *    *    *
   -  -  -  -    1.000E-03 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   116    1    1
   -  -  -  -    1.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   117    2    3
   -  -  -  -    3.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   118    3    5
   -  -  -  -    6.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   119    4    7
   -  -  -  -    1.500E-01 9.000E-01                 -  -    -   120    5    9
   -  -  -  -    3.000E-01 9.000E-01                 -  -    -   121    6   11
   -  -  -  -    6.000E-01 9.000E-01                 -  -    -   122    7   13
   -  -  -  -    1.500E+00 9.000E-01                 -  -    -   123    8   15
   2  O  2  O            *         *         1.200E+01  2 0.00     *    *    *
   -  -  -  -    1.000E-03 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   126    1    2
   -  -  -  -    1.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   127    2    4
   -  -  -  -    3.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   128    3    6
   -  -  -  -    6.000E-02 0.000E+00                 -  -    -   129    4    8
   -  -  -  -    1.500E-01 4.000E+00                 -  -    -   130    5   10
   -  -  -  -    3.000E-01 4.000E+00                 -  -    -   131    6   12
   -  -  -  -    6.000E-01 4.000E+00                 -  -    -   132    7   14
   -  -  -  -    1.500E+00 4.000E+00                 -  -    -   133    8   16
   3  O  3  H  H         *         *  *    * 1.200E+01  2 0.00     *    *    * *
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  4.0         -  -    -   150    1   21 1
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  4.0         -  -    -   148    2   22 0
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0         -  -    -   145    3   23 1
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0         -  -    -   143    4   26 0
   -  -  -  -  - 7.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0         -  -    -   140    5   29 1
   -  -  -  -  - 7.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0         -  -    -   138    6   30 0
   4  O  3  H  O         *         *  *    * 1.200E+01  2 0.00     *    *    * *
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-03 0.000E+00 -1  4.0         -  -    -   156    1   17 1
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-03 0.000E+00  1  4.0         -  -    -   155    2   19 0
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0         -  -    -   154    3   24 1
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0         -  -    -   153    4   27 0
   5  O  3  O  O         *         *  *    * 1.200E+01  2 0.00     *    *    * *
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-03 0.000E+00 -1  4.0         -  -    -   166    1   18 1
   -  -  -  -  - 1.000E-03 0.000E+00  1  4.0         -  -    -   165    2   20 0
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00 -1  1.0         -  -    -   164    3   25 1
   -  -  -  -  - 3.000E-02 0.000E+00  1  1.0         -  -    -   163    4   28 0
*** SETUP: NEURAL NETWORKS ****************************************************

Normalize neurons (all elements): 0
Atomic short range NN for element  H :
Number of weights    :   1325
Number of biases     :     51
Number of connections:   1376
Architecture       27   25   25    1
   1   G   t   t   l
   2   G   t   t
   3   G   t   t
   4   G   t   t
   5   G   t   t
   6   G   t   t
   7   G   t   t
   8   G   t   t
   9   G   t   t
  10   G   t   t
  11   G   t   t
  12   G   t   t
  13   G   t   t
  14   G   t   t
  15   G   t   t
  16   G   t   t
  17   G   t   t
  18   G   t   t
  19   G   t   t
  20   G   t   t
  21   G   t   t
  22   G   t   t
  23   G   t   t
  24   G   t   t
  25   G   t   t
  26   G
  27   G
Atomic short range NN for element  O :
Number of weights    :   1400
Number of biases     :     51
Number of connections:   1451
Architecture       30   25   25    1
   1   G   t   t   l
   2   G   t   t
   3   G   t   t
   4   G   t   t
   5   G   t   t
   6   G   t   t
   7   G   t   t
   8   G   t   t
   9   G   t   t
  10   G   t   t
  11   G   t   t
  12   G   t   t
  13   G   t   t
  14   G   t   t
  15   G   t   t
  16   G   t   t
  17   G   t   t
  18   G   t   t
  19   G   t   t
  20   G   t   t
  21   G   t   t
  22   G   t   t
  23   G   t   t
  24   G   t   t
  25   G   t   t
  26   G
  27   G
  28   G
  29   G
  30   G
*** SETUP: SYMMETRY FUNCTION SCALING ******************************************

Equal scaling type for all symmetry functions:
Scaling type::ST_SCALECENTER (3)
Gs = Smin + (Smax - Smin) * (G - Gmean) / (Gmax - Gmin)
Smin = 0.000000
Smax = 1.000000
Symmetry function scaling statistics from file:

ind ..... Symmetry function index.
min ..... Minimum symmetry function value.
max ..... Maximum symmetry function value.
mean .... Mean symmetry function value.
sigma ... Standard deviation of symmetry function values.
sf ...... Scaling factor for derivatives.
Smin .... Desired minimum scaled symmetry function value.
Smax .... Desired maximum scaled symmetry function value.
t ....... Scaling type.

Scaling data for symmetry functions element  H :
 ind       min       max      mean     sigma        sf  Smin  Smax t
   1  1.09E+00  9.62E+00  2.27E+00  6.79E-01  1.17E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   2  7.33E-01  5.00E+00  1.33E+00  3.39E-01  2.34E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   3  7.60E-01  7.14E+00  1.65E+00  5.08E-01  1.57E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   4  5.48E-01  3.77E+00  1.02E+00  2.54E-01  3.11E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   5  4.01E-01  4.15E+00  9.09E-01  2.98E-01  2.67E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   6  3.62E-01  2.27E+00  6.49E-01  1.48E-01  5.25E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   7  1.89E-01  2.23E+00  4.57E-01  1.60E-01  4.90E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   8  2.67E-01  1.32E+00  4.24E-01  8.05E-02  9.49E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   9  2.45E-01  9.48E-01  3.62E-01  5.30E-02  1.42E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  10  2.22E-01  2.76E+00  5.39E-01  2.01E-01  3.94E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  11  1.47E-01  5.56E-01  2.68E-01  2.62E-02  2.45E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  12  9.91E-02  1.73E+00  2.96E-01  1.16E-01  6.14E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  13  6.51E-02  3.45E-01  1.85E-01  1.97E-02  3.57E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  14  3.17E-02  9.13E-01  1.50E-01  5.35E-02  1.13E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  15  2.92E-03  2.65E-01  7.65E-02  1.88E-02  3.82E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  16  3.21E-04  2.87E-01  4.58E-02  2.33E-02  3.49E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  17  2.47E-04  1.38E-01  1.77E-02  9.75E-03  7.23E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  18  5.10E-03  5.83E-01  2.39E-02  3.78E-02  1.73E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  19  3.23E-04  2.16E-01  1.71E-02  1.40E-02  4.63E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  20  4.96E-02  1.69E+00  1.45E-01  1.10E-01  6.11E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  21  3.41E-03  3.16E-01  1.84E-02  2.01E-02  3.20E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  22  1.31E-04  1.03E-01  6.37E-03  6.61E-03  9.76E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  23  3.38E-02  9.16E-01  8.13E-02  5.79E-02  1.13E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  24  4.17E-04  1.58E-01  4.66E-03  9.86E-03  6.35E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  25  7.35E-04  5.92E-02  3.70E-03  3.31E-03  1.71E+01  0.00  1.00 3
  26  8.98E-03  1.94E-01  2.41E-02  1.10E-02  5.40E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  27  2.12E-04  8.78E-03  2.06E-03  5.88E-04  1.17E+02  0.00  1.00 3
Scaling data for symmetry functions element  O :
 ind       min       max      mean     sigma        sf  Smin  Smax t
   1  1.51E+00  1.00E+01  2.65E+00  6.78E-01  1.18E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   2  4.44E-01  4.62E+00  9.66E-01  3.37E-01  2.39E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   3  1.19E+00  7.53E+00  2.03E+00  5.06E-01  1.58E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   4  2.76E-01  3.39E+00  6.59E-01  2.50E-01  3.21E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   5  8.06E-01  4.54E+00  1.30E+00  2.94E-01  2.68E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   6  1.05E-01  1.89E+00  3.07E-01  1.42E-01  5.60E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   7  5.69E-01  2.62E+00  8.48E-01  1.57E-01  4.89E-01  0.00  1.00 3
   8  2.33E-02  9.36E-01  1.11E-01  6.98E-02  1.10E+00  0.00  1.00 3
   9  5.14E-01  1.85E+00  7.25E-01  9.80E-02  7.46E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  10  1.11E-01  2.91E+00  4.75E-01  2.34E-01  3.57E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  11  3.53E-01  1.07E+00  5.35E-01  4.52E-02  1.39E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  12  3.04E-02  2.53E+00  3.17E-01  2.10E-01  4.00E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  13  1.60E-01  6.63E-01  3.70E-01  3.08E-02  1.99E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  14  2.78E-03  2.30E+00  1.77E-01  1.86E-01  4.35E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  15  9.56E-03  3.91E-01  1.53E-01  2.79E-02  2.62E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  16  3.75E-06  2.04E+00  5.41E-02  1.43E-01  4.91E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  17  2.47E-03  3.43E-01  1.67E-02  2.19E-02  2.93E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  18  1.74E-05  5.63E-02  9.55E-04  3.36E-03  1.78E+01  0.00  1.00 3
  19  5.48E-02  3.02E+00  2.04E-01  2.01E-01  3.37E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  20  1.38E-03  4.99E-01  1.28E-02  3.18E-02  2.01E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  21  6.69E-03  2.67E-01  3.09E-02  1.71E-02  3.84E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  22  1.70E-02  1.42E+00  7.63E-02  9.29E-02  7.14E-01  0.00  1.00 3
  23  1.98E-02  4.08E-01  4.88E-02  2.55E-02  2.58E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  24  5.28E-04  2.33E-01  7.21E-03  1.45E-02  4.30E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  25  1.11E-05  3.53E-02  4.25E-04  2.05E-03  2.83E+01  0.00  1.00 3
  26  1.60E-02  8.22E-01  5.08E-02  5.28E-02  1.24E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  27  3.99E-03  7.86E-01  3.69E-02  5.05E-02  1.28E+00  0.00  1.00 3
  28  4.05E-05  9.84E-02  1.21E-03  5.79E-03  1.02E+01  0.00  1.00 3
  29  6.04E-03  9.93E-02  1.62E-02  5.52E-03  1.07E+01  0.00  1.00 3
  30  2.96E-03  1.55E-01  1.16E-02  8.94E-03  6.59E+00  0.00  1.00 3
*** SETUP: NEURAL NETWORK WEIGHTS *********************************************

Weight file name format:
Weight file for element  H:
Weight file for element  O:
*** SETUP: SYMMETRY FUNCTION STATISTICS ***************************************

Equal symmetry function statistics for all elements.
Collect min/max/mean/sigma                        : 0
Collect extrapolation warnings                    : 0
Write extrapolation warnings immediately to stderr: 1
Halt on any extrapolation warning                 : 0