Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- i -
- id : nnp::Mode::NNSetup
- identifier : nnp::Element::SFCacheList
- ignoreType : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- index : nnp::Atom, nnp::Atom::Neighbor, nnp::Element, nnp::ElementCabana, nnp::ElementMap, nnp::Structure, nnp::SymFnc, nnp::SymGrp
- indexAtomEW : nnp::SymFncStatistics::Container
- indexMap : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- indexPerElement : nnp::SymFnc
- indexStructure : nnp::Atom
- indexStructureEW : nnp::SymFncStatistics::Container
- indices : nnp::Element::SFCacheList
- info() : nnp::Atom, nnp::Atom::Neighbor, nnp::CoreFunction, nnp::ElementMap, nnp::GradientDescent, nnp::KalmanFilter, nnp::NeuralNetwork, nnp::ScreeningFunction, nnp::settings::Settings, nnp::Structure, nnp::Updater
- infoSymmetryFunction() : nnp::Element
- infoSymmetryFunctionGroups() : nnp::Element, nnp::ElementCabana
- infoSymmetryFunctionParameters() : nnp::Element, nnp::ElementCabana
- infoSymmetryFunctionScaling() : nnp::Element, nnp::ElementCabana
- init_one() : LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNP, LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNPDevelop, LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNPExternal
- init_style() : LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNP, LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNPDevelop, LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNPExternal
- initialize() : nnp::InterfaceLammps, nnp::Mode
- initializeConnectionsRandomUniform() : nnp::NeuralNetwork
- initialized : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- initializePrintFormat() : nnp::SymFnc, nnp::SymGrp
- initializePrintOrder() : nnp::SymFnc, nnp::SymGrp
- initializeWeights() : nnp::Training
- initializeWeightsMemory() : nnp::Training
- inner : nnp::ScreeningFunction
- inputLayer : nnp::NeuralNetwork
- interface : LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNP
- InterfaceLammps() : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- invbox : nnp::Structure
- isEstimateReliable() : nnp::EwaldSetup, nnp::EwaldTruncJackson, nnp::EwaldTruncKolafaFixR, nnp::EwaldTruncKolafaOptEta, nnp::IEwaldTrunc
- isInitialized() : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- isNeighbor() : nnp::Atom
- isPeriodic : nnp::Structure
- isTriclinic : nnp::Structure
- iw : nnp::CutoffFunction