Here is a list of all class members with links to the classes they belong to:
- s -
- s : nnp::EwaldTruncKolafaOptEta, nnp::Training::UpdateCandidate
- SampleType : nnp::Structure
- sampleType : nnp::Structure
- sanityCheck() : nnp::settings::Settings
- scale : nnp::CompactFunction, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >, nnp::ScreeningFunction, nnp::SymFnc
- scalingFactor : nnp::SymFnc
- scalingFactors : nnp::SymGrp
- scalingLine() : nnp::ElementCabana, nnp::SymFnc
- scalingType : nnp::Mode, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- ScalingType : nnp::SymFnc
- scalingType : nnp::SymFnc
- screeningFunction : nnp::Mode
- ScreeningFunction() : nnp::ScreeningFunction
- selectionMode : nnp::Training::Property
- SelectionMode : nnp::Training
- selectionModeSchedule : nnp::Training::Property
- selectSets() : nnp::Training
- sendStructure() : nnp::Dataset
- setAsymmetric() : nnp::CompactFunction, nnp::CoreFunction
- setAtomicEnergyOffset() : nnp::Element
- setBoxVectors() : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- setCacheIndices() : nnp::Element
- setCenterWidth() : nnp::CompactFunction
- setCompactFunction() : nnp::SymFncBaseComp
- setConnections() : nnp::NeuralNetwork
- setCoreFunction() : nnp::CompactFunction, nnp::ScreeningFunction
- setCutoffFunction() : nnp::Element, nnp::ElementCabana, nnp::SymFncBaseCutoff
- setCutoffParameter() : nnp::CutoffFunction
- setCutoffRadius() : nnp::CutoffFunction
- setCutoffType() : nnp::CutoffFunction
- setDescription() : nnp::settings::Key
- setElementMap() : nnp::Structure
- setEpochSchedule() : nnp::Training
- setError() : nnp::GradientDescent, nnp::KalmanFilter, nnp::Updater
- setGlobalStructureStatus() : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- setHardness() : nnp::Element
- setIndex() : nnp::SymFnc, nnp::SymGrp
- setIndexPerElement() : nnp::SymFnc
- setInnerOuter() : nnp::ScreeningFunction
- setInput() : nnp::NeuralNetwork
- setJacobian() : nnp::GradientDescent, nnp::KalmanFilter, nnp::Updater
- setLeftRight() : nnp::CompactFunction
- setLineNumber() : nnp::SymFnc
- setLocalAtomPositions() : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- setLocalAtoms() : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- setLocalTags() : nnp::InterfaceLammps
- setMaxQSigma() : nnp::EwaldSetup
- setNormalizeNeurons() : nnp::NeuralNetwork
- setParameters() : nnp::SymFnc, nnp::SymFncBaseCompAng, nnp::SymFncBaseCompAngWeighted, nnp::SymFncBaseExpAng, nnp::SymFncCompRad, nnp::SymFncCompRadWeighted, nnp::SymFncExpAngnWeighted, nnp::SymFncExpRad, nnp::SymFncExpRadWeighted
- setParametersAdam() : nnp::GradientDescent
- setParametersFadingMemory() : nnp::KalmanFilter
- setParametersFixed() : nnp::GradientDescent
- setParametersStandard() : nnp::KalmanFilter
- setQsigma() : nnp::Element
- setScaling() : nnp::Element, nnp::ElementCabana
- setScalingFactors() : nnp::SymGrp, nnp::SymGrpBaseCompAng, nnp::SymGrpBaseCompAngWeighted, nnp::SymGrpBaseExpAng, nnp::SymGrpCompRad, nnp::SymGrpCompRadWeighted, nnp::SymGrpExpAngnWeighted, nnp::SymGrpExpRad, nnp::SymGrpExpRadWeighted
- setScalingNone() : nnp::Element
- setScalingType() : nnp::ElementCabana, nnp::SymFnc
- setSingleWeight() : nnp::Training
- setSizeObservation() : nnp::KalmanFilter
- setStage() : nnp::Training
- setState() : nnp::GradientDescent, nnp::KalmanFilter, nnp::Updater
- settings() : LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNP, LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNPExternal, nnp::Mode, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- settingsGetValue() : nnp::Mode
- settingsKeywordExists() : nnp::Mode
- setTrainingLogFileName() : nnp::Training
- setTruncMethod() : nnp::EwaldSetup
- setType() : nnp::CoreFunction
- setup() : nnp::KspaceGrid, nnp::Prediction
- setupCutoff() : nnp::Mode
- setupCutoffMatrix() : nnp::Mode
- setupElectrostatics() : nnp::Mode
- setupElementMap() : nnp::Mode, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- setupElements() : nnp::Mode, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- setupFileOutput() : nnp::Training
- setupGeneric() : nnp::Mode
- setupMPI() : nnp::Dataset
- setupNeighborCutoffMap() : nnp::Structure
- setupNeuralNetwork() : nnp::Mode, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- setupNeuralNetworkWeights() : nnp::Mode, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- setupNormalization() : nnp::Mode
- setupNumericDerivCheck() : nnp::Training
- setupRandomNumberGenerator() : nnp::Dataset
- setupSelectionMode() : nnp::Training
- setupSymmetryFunctionCache() : nnp::Mode
- setupSymmetryFunctionGroups() : nnp::Element, nnp::ElementCabana, nnp::Mode, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- setupSymmetryFunctionMemory() : nnp::Element, nnp::Mode
- setupSymmetryFunctions() : nnp::Mode, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- setupSymmetryFunctionScaling() : nnp::Mode, nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- setupSymmetryFunctionScalingNone() : nnp::Mode
- setupSymmetryFunctionStatistics() : nnp::Mode
- setupTiming() : nnp::Updater
- setupTraining() : nnp::Training
- setupUpdatePlan() : nnp::Training
- setWeights() : nnp::Training
- SF : nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- SFGmemberlist : nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- sfinfoWidth : nnp::SymFnc
- SFscaling : nnp::ModeCabana< t_device >
- showew : LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNP, nnp::InterfaceLammps
- showewsum : LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNP, nnp::InterfaceLammps
- shuffleUpdateCandidates() : nnp::Training
- silent : nnp::Log
- size() : nnp::ElementMap
- sizeObservation : nnp::KalmanFilter
- sizeState : nnp::Updater
- SM_RANDOM : nnp::Training
- SM_SORT : nnp::Training
- SM_THRESHOLD : nnp::Training
- Smax : nnp::SymFnc
- Smin : nnp::SymFnc
- sortMembers() : nnp::SymGrp, nnp::SymGrpCompAngn, nnp::SymGrpCompAngnWeighted, nnp::SymGrpCompAngw, nnp::SymGrpCompAngwWeighted, nnp::SymGrpCompRad, nnp::SymGrpCompRadWeighted, nnp::SymGrpExpAngn, nnp::SymGrpExpAngnWeighted, nnp::SymGrpExpAngw, nnp::SymGrpExpRad, nnp::SymGrpExpRadWeighted
- sortNeighborList() : nnp::Structure
- sortNeighborLists() : nnp::Dataset
- sortSymmetryFunctions() : nnp::Element, nnp::ElementCabana
- sortUpdateCandidates() : nnp::Training
- ST_CENTER : nnp::SymFnc
- ST_NONE : nnp::SymFnc
- ST_SCALE : nnp::SymFnc
- ST_SCALECENTER : nnp::SymFnc
- ST_SCALESIGMA : nnp::SymFnc
- ST_TEST : nnp::Structure
- ST_TRAINING : nnp::Structure
- ST_UNKNOWN : nnp::Structure
- ST_VALIDATION : nnp::Structure
- stage : nnp::Training
- start() : nnp::Stopwatch
- state : nnp::GradientDescent, nnp::Stopwatch
- State : nnp::Stopwatch
- statistics : nnp::Element
- status() : nnp::GradientDescent, nnp::KalmanFilter, nnp::Updater
- statusHeader() : nnp::GradientDescent, nnp::KalmanFilter, nnp::Updater
- stop() : nnp::Stopwatch
- stopOnExtrapolationWarnings : nnp::SymFncStatistics
- STOPPED : nnp::Stopwatch
- stopTime() : nnp::Stopwatch
- Stopwatch() : nnp::Stopwatch
- streamPointers : nnp::Log
- structure : LAMMPS_NS::PairHDNNPExternal, nnp::InterfaceLammps, nnp::Prediction
- Structure() : nnp::Structure
- structures : nnp::Dataset
- subCandidates : nnp::Training::UpdateCandidate
- subtype : nnp::SymFncBaseComp, nnp::SymFncBaseCutoff, nnp::SymGrpBaseCutoff
- sum : nnp::NeuralNetwork::Neuron, nnp::SymFncStatistics::Container
- sum2 : nnp::NeuralNetwork::Neuron, nnp::SymFncStatistics::Container
- sw : nnp::Training, nnp::Updater
- symbol : nnp::Element, nnp::ElementCabana, nnp::ElementMap
- symbolFromAtomicNumber() : nnp::ElementMap
- SymFnc() : nnp::SymFnc
- SymFncBaseComp() : nnp::SymFncBaseComp
- SymFncBaseCompAng() : nnp::SymFncBaseCompAng
- SymFncBaseCompAngWeighted() : nnp::SymFncBaseCompAngWeighted
- SymFncBaseCutoff() : nnp::SymFncBaseCutoff
- SymFncBaseExpAng() : nnp::SymFncBaseExpAng
- SymFncCompAngn() : nnp::SymFncCompAngn
- SymFncCompAngnWeighted() : nnp::SymFncCompAngnWeighted
- SymFncCompAngw() : nnp::SymFncCompAngw
- SymFncCompAngwWeighted() : nnp::SymFncCompAngwWeighted
- SymFncCompRad() : nnp::SymFncCompRad
- SymFncCompRadWeighted() : nnp::SymFncCompRadWeighted
- SymFncExpAngn() : nnp::SymFncExpAngn
- SymFncExpAngnWeighted() : nnp::SymFncExpAngnWeighted
- SymFncExpAngw() : nnp::SymFncExpAngw
- SymFncExpRad() : nnp::SymFncExpRad
- SymFncExpRadWeighted() : nnp::SymFncExpRadWeighted
- SymFncStatistics() : nnp::SymFncStatistics
- SymGrp() : nnp::SymGrp
- SymGrpBaseComp() : nnp::SymGrpBaseComp
- SymGrpBaseCompAng() : nnp::SymGrpBaseCompAng
- SymGrpBaseCompAngWeighted() : nnp::SymGrpBaseCompAngWeighted
- SymGrpBaseCutoff() : nnp::SymGrpBaseCutoff
- SymGrpBaseExpAng() : nnp::SymGrpBaseExpAng
- SymGrpCompAngn() : nnp::SymGrpCompAngn
- SymGrpCompAngnWeighted() : nnp::SymGrpCompAngnWeighted
- SymGrpCompAngw() : nnp::SymGrpCompAngw
- SymGrpCompAngwWeighted() : nnp::SymGrpCompAngwWeighted
- SymGrpCompRad() : nnp::SymGrpCompRad
- SymGrpCompRadWeighted() : nnp::SymGrpCompRadWeighted
- SymGrpExpAngn() : nnp::SymGrpExpAngn
- SymGrpExpAngnWeighted() : nnp::SymGrpExpAngnWeighted
- SymGrpExpAngw() : nnp::SymGrpExpAngw
- SymGrpExpRad() : nnp::SymGrpExpRad
- SymGrpExpRadWeighted() : nnp::SymGrpExpRadWeighted
- symmetryFunctionGroups : nnp::Element
- symmetryFunctionNumTable : nnp::Element
- symmetryFunctions : nnp::Element
- symmetryFunctionTable : nnp::Element